
Lyra – got a loan for a car; selling car to coworker; overwhelmed at work (lots of hours); hard time sleeping; praise – customer who had a heart attack came back to her work 

Jaylee – praise – Charlie’s grandparents loved her; signing up for FASA; needs to file paperwork before a deadline

Xavier – met his roommate Sam (not a weirdo) 

Cassidy – got a summer job; needs a teaching job

Mikah – needs a roommate

Sam – wants a job at Quickstar

 Connor – car stalled out; needs a job in the morning

Faith – mom had emergency surgery – need to find why there is fluid on her brain; needs to apply for classes 

Ben – sick 

Kenna – coworker, Chloe, had emergency brain surgery; atheist grandpa is getting more hostile; praise – step grandma is reading a Christian book

Charlie – man had open heart surgery and his wife is running his business; Aunt Lisa has 2 brain tumors

Jayda – moving to Kansas City 

We´re meeting at Ben & Erin´s House

September 1st

From 6pm

to 8pm

We are meeting at Ben & Erin’s house for game night! There will be food!
2919 32nd St Ct, Rock Island, IL 61201

Yay! Tell others!