
Anah – healing for her arm


Kenna – her sister is having her 3rd child but she doesn’t take care of her 2 kids; situation gets better not worse; NEW TIRES!; transition to new church going well 

Lyra – hard time sleeping; stressful at work – wants 30hours at work – understaffed 

Jaylee – praise Brooke came last night; Brooke is not a Christian and 2 episodes possible demonic attacks; Jaylee got to pray over her and her house  

Charlie – praise support group prayer for Jaylee; 

Connor – helping lead men’s Bible study at IV; praise – someone on discord asked him about his faith 

Sam – praise talking with dad more; wants to rebuild relationship 

Erin – baby shower went well; fun weekend coming up visiting friends 

Ben – big website needs to launch; lots of work 

Ashton – home life stuff; patience and grace for him

We´re meeting at Bethany Church

Every Sunday

From 6:30pm

to 9pm

We will be meeting at Bethany Church for worship, prayer, and bible study! There will be dinner! Park around the back!
700 35th Ave PL, Moline IL, 61265

Yay! Tell others!